Cultural Wormhole, it’s starting to get ridiculous now. We’ve got way too many comics to cover for the Month in X for January 2025. Also, this episode we ask, "How do you solve a problem like... Havok?"

Month in X - January 2025
What If…? Galactus Transformed Gambit #1
What If…? Galactus Transformed Rogue #1
Wolverine: Revenge #4
West Coast Avengers #3 
Avengers #22 (LGY #788)
Astonishing X-Men #7 - 8
Sabretooth: The Dead Don’t Talk #2
Rogue: The Savage Land #1
Magik #1
Deadpool/Wolverine #1
Cable: Love & Chrome #1
Hellverine #2
Laura Kinney: Wolverine #2 (LGY #70)
Psylocke #3
Sentinels #4
Mystique #4
Storm #4 (LGY #15)
Storm: Lifedream #1
Wolverine #5 (LGY #396)
Phoenix #7
NYX #7
X-Factor #6 (LGY #298) 
X-Force #7 (LGY #297)
Exceptional X-Men #5
Uncanny X-Men #8 (LGY #708)
Uncanny X-Men #9 (LGY #709)
X-Men #10 (LGY #310)

Direct download: X-Nation_232.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 3:51pm EST

Things get a bit "stabby" in the Month in X for December 2024. Plus, we get excited about Marvel Rivals and then ask ourselves "How Do You Solve a Problem Like... Laura Kinney?"

Month in X - December 2024
West Coast Avengers #2 
Avengers #21 (LGY #787)
Astonishing X-Men #1 - 6  
Sabretooth: The Dead Don’t Talk #1
Hellverine #1
Laura Kinney: Wolverine #1 (LGY #69)
Psylocke #2
Sentinels #3
Mystique #3
Dazzler #4
Storm #3 (LGY #14)
Wolverine #4 (LGY #395)
Phoenix #6
NYX #6
X-Factor #5 (LGY #297)
X-Force #6 (LGY #296)
Exceptional X-Men #4
X-Men #8 (LGY #308)
Uncanny X-Men #7 (LGY #707)
X-Men #9 (LGY #309)
Timeslide #1

Direct download: X-Nation_231.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 8:48pm EST

Did we manage to go a whole month without a new number one issue? Oh, wait a minute… Hello, Psylocke. We’ll get into the new solo series starring our favorite bodily liberated mutant ninja assassin and the rest of the Month of X for November 2024. We also ask, "How do you solve a problem like... Jean Grey?"

Month in X - November 2024

West Coast Avengers #1 
Avengers #20 (LGY #786)
X-Men: From the Ashes #22 - 25  
Psylocke #1
Sentinels #2
Mystique #2
Dazzler #3
Storm #2 (LGY #13)
Wolverine #3 (LGY #395)
Phoenix #5
NYX #5
X-Factor #4 (LGY #296)
X-Force #5 (LGY #295)
Exceptional X-Men #3
X-Men #7 (LGY #307)
Uncanny X-Men #5 (LGY #705)
Uncanny X-Men #6 (LGY #706)

Direct download: X-Nation_230.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

From the Ashes has turned into a full-on blazing inferno with the release of another batch of first issues during the Month in X for October 2024. Also, we pose the question: "How do you solve a problem like Psylocke?"

Month in X - October 2024

Wolverine: Revenge #3
Wolverine: Deep Cut #4
Avengers #19 (LGY #785)
X-Men: From the Ashes #17 - 21  
Sentinels #1
Mystique #1
Dazzler #2
Storm #1 (LGY #12)
Wolverine #2 (LGY #394)
Phoenix #4
NYX #4
X-Factor #3 (LGY #295)
X-Force #4 (LGY #294)
Exceptional X-Men #2
X-Men #5 (LGY #305)
X-Men #6 (LGY #306)
Uncanny X-Men #4 (LGY #704)

Direct download: X-Nation_229.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 10:01am EST

We’re coming to you a few weeks late, but we’ve got plenty to talk about with the X-Men comics that came out during the Month in X for September 2024.

Month in X - September 2024
Exceptional X-Men #1
Wolverine: Revenge #2
Wolverine: Deep Cut #3
Avengers #17 (LGY #783)
Avengers #18 (LGY #784)
X-Men: From the Ashes #13 - 16  
Dazzler #1
Wolverine #1 (LGY #393)
Phoenix #3
NYX #3
X-Factor #2 (LGY #294)
X-Force #3 (LGY #293)
X-Men #4 (LGY #304)
Uncanny X-Men #2 (LGY #702)
Uncanny X-Men #3 (LGY #703)

Direct download: X-Nation_228.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:45pm EST

The From the Ashes relaunch continues with more new titles to discuss in the Month of X for August 2024. Plus, a sneak peek into September with a review of Exceptional X-Men #1!

Month in X - August 2024
Wolverine: Revenge #1
Wolverine: Deep Cut #2
Hellverine #4
X-Men: From the Ashes #9 - 12 
Phoenix #2
NYX #2
X-Factor #1 (LGY #293)
X-Force #2 (LGY #292)
X-Men #2 (LGY #302)
X-Men #3 (LGY #303)
Uncanny X-Men #1 (LGY #701)

September Sneak Peek
Exceptional X-Men #1

Direct download: X-Nation_227.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:33am EST

From the Ashes officially kicks off this month. We’ll discuss all the books that relaunched during Month in X for July 2024. Plus, we’ll have a spoiler-filled discussion of Deadpool & Wolverine.

Month in X - July 2024
Wolverine: Deep Cut #1
Hellverine #3
Wolverine: Blood Hunt #3
Wolverine: Blood Hunt #4
X-Men: Blood Hunt - Psylocke #1
X-Men: Blood Hunt - Laura Kinney: The Wolverine #1
X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse #3
X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse #4
X-Men: From the Ashes #4 - 8 
X-Men #1 (LGY #301)
Phoenix #1
NYX #1
X-Force #1 (LGY #291)

Direct download: X-Nation_226.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 12:55pm EST

Like any good mutant we have to travel first through Limbo before we can get to the good stuff. We’re in that strange lull between the end of the Krakoan Age and the beginning of the From the Ashes relaunch. It’s a strange time indeed as we meet demons and vampires during the Month in X for June 2024.

Month in X - June 2024
Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #4
Wolverine: Madripoor Knights #5
Hellverine #2
Wolverine: Blood Hunt #1
Wolverine: Blood Hunt #2
X-Men: Blood Hunt - Jubilee #1
X-Men: Blood Hunt - Magik #1
X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse #1
X-Men: Heir of Apocalypse #2
X-Men: From the Ashes #1 - 3 

Direct download: X-Nation_225.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 12:56pm EST

The Fall of the House of X is almost at the finish line! And are those wedding bells we hear? We’ll be discussing all the X-Men comics that came out during the Month in X for May 2024. Plus, more X-Buzz news and the wrap-up of a fabulous season of X-Men ‘97 to review. All this and a sneak peek at July's final issue of the Krakoan Era.

Month in X - May 2024
Giant-Size X-Men #1
Wolverine: Madripoor Knights #4
Weapon X-Men #3
Weapon X-Men #4
Wolverine #49
Wolverine #50
Hellverine #1
Cable #4
Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #3
Invincible Iron Man #18
Free Comic Book Day 2024 #1
X-Men #34
X-Men Forever #3
X-Men Forever #4
The Fall of the House of X #5
Rise of the Powers of X #5
X-Men Wedding Special #1

June Sneak Peek:
X-Men #35/Uncanny X-Men #700

Direct download: X-Nation_224.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 6:57pm EST

We’ve got a lot of new book news for the From the Ashes relaunch to discuss. Plus, we’ll discuss the Month in X for April 2024.

Month in X - April 2024
Wolverine: Madripoor Knights #3
Weapon X-Men #2
Wolverine #47
Wolverine #48
Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #2
Avengers #12
Avengers #13 
Invincible Iron Man #17
Resurrection of Magneto #4
X-Men #33
The Fall of the House of X #4
Dead X-Men #4
X-Men Forever #2
Rise of the Powers of X #4

Direct download: X-Nation_223.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 12:33pm EST

It took us almost 16 years to finally do it, but now Antony and Paul have FINALLY recorded an episode of X-Nation whilst breathing the same air! In this special edition episode, the guys sit in the same room and discuss episodes 4 through 7 of X-Men '97! There will be spoilers!

Direct download: X-Nation_222.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 3:55pm EST

In this episode of X-Nation we continue our journey through the last days of Krakoa as we discuss the Month in X for March 2024. Plus, we talk about the relaunch news and the first 3 episodes of X-Men '97.

Month in X - March 2024
Wolverine: Madripoor Knights #2
Weapon X-Men #1
Cable #3
X-Force #50
Wolverine #45
Wolverine #46
Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #1
Invincible Iron Man #16
Dead X-Men #3
X-Men #32
Resurrection of Magneto #3
The Fall of the House of X #3
X-Men Forever #1
Rise of the Powers of X #3

Direct download: X-Nation_221.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 1:51pm EST

In this episode of X-Nation we continue our journey through the last days of Krakoa as we discuss the Month in X for February 2024.

Month in X - February 2024
Wolverine: Madripoor Knights #1
Cable #2
X-Force #49
Wolverine #43
Wolverine #44
Invincible Iron Man #15
Dead X-Men #2
X-Men #31
Resurrection of Magneto #2
The Fall of the House of X #2
Rise of the Powers of X #2

Direct download: X-Nation_220.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 11:53am EST

It’s a new year but the Fall of X continues into a new stage. We’ll take a look at all of the X-Men comics that came out during the Month of X for January 2024.

Month in X - January 2024
The Fall of the House of X #1
Invincible Iron Man #14
X-Force #48
Wolverine #41
Wolverine #42
Cable #1
Rise of the Powers of X #1
X-Men #30
Resurrection of Magneto #1
Dead X-Men #1

Direct download: X-Nation_219.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 2:23pm EST

In the Month of X for December 2023, we not only see the end of another year, but also the conclusion of the first major story beat for the Fall of X. Also, we discuss which characters impacted (positive and negative) the most from the Krakoan Age of the X-Men. And just because we could not wait, we'll discuss Fall of the House of X #1 as a sneak peek for things to come in January.

Month in X - December 2023
The Original X-Men #1
Invincible Iron Man #13
Alpha Flight #5
Wolverine #40
X-Force #47
Astonishing Iceman #5
Uncanny Spider-Man #5
Dark X-Men #5
Uncanny Avengers #5
X-Men Red #18
X-Men #29
Immortal X-Men #18

January Sneak Peek: The Fall of the House of X #1

Direct download: X-Nation_218.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 1:52pm EST

Fall of X rages on for a fourth month. We’ll catch up with all of our mutants on the run as we review the Month in X for November 2023.

Month in X - November 2023
Invincible Iron Man #11 & 12
Magneto #4
Wolverine #39
X-Force #46
Astonishing Iceman #4
Children of the Vault #4
Alpha Flight #4
Realm of X #4
Jean Grey #4
Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant #4
Uncanny Spider-Man #3
X-Men Blue Origins #1
Uncanny Spider-Man #4
Dark X-Men #4
Uncanny Avengers #4
X-Men Red #17
Immortal X-Men #17
X-Men #28

Direct download: X-Nation_217.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 10:37am EST

Three is a magic number and we’ll be talking about the third month of the Fall in X on this episode of X-Nation.

Month in X - October 2023
X-Men: Days of Future Past Doomsday #4
Magneto #3
Wolverine #38
X-Force #45
Astonishing Iceman #3
Children of the Vault #3
Alpha Flight #3
Realm of X #3
Jean Grey #3
Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant #3
Invincible Iron Man #11 
Uncanny Spider-Man #2
Dark X-Men #3
Uncanny Avengers #3
X-Men Red #16
Immortal X-Men #16
X-Men #27

Direct download: X-Nation_216.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 2:35pm EST

The Fall of X continues! In this episode of X-Nation, we catch up with what all our scattered little mutants have been up to during the Month in X for September 2023.

Month in X - September 2023
X-Men Annual 2023 #1
X-Men: Days of Future Past Doomsday #3
Storm #5
Magneto #2
Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance Omega #1
Wolverine #37
X-Force #44
Astonishing Iceman #2
Children of the Vault #2
Alpha Flight #2
Realm of X #2
Jean Grey #2
Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant #2
Uncanny Spider-Man #1
Dark X-Men #2
Uncanny Avengers #2
X-Men Red #15
Immortal X-Men #15
X-Men #26
Invincible Iron Man #10 

Direct download: X-Nation_215.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 3:37pm EST

It’s a whole new status quo thanks to the Fall of X! We’ll look at the first month of this ongoing event as we recap the Month in X for August 2023.

Month in X - August 2023
X-Men: Days of Future Past Doomsday #2
Storm #4
Magneto #1
Marvel’s Voices: X-Men #1
Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance Alpha #1
Ghost Rider #17
Wolverine #36
X-Men #25
Astonishing Iceman #1
Immortal X-Men #14
Children of the Vault #1
X-Men Red #14
Alpha Flight #1
Invincible Iron Man #9 
Dark X-Men #1
Uncanny Avengers #1
X-Force #43
Realm of X #1
Jean Grey #1
Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant #1

Direct download: X-Nation_214.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 12:47pm EST

Happy 15 Years of X-Nation. To celebrate, why don’t we take a trip to this year’s Hellfire Gala. Nothing to worry about there… Right? We’ll get into the gory details of this year’s Krakoan table-setter that kicks off the Fall of X.

Month in X - July 2023
The X-Cellent #5
X-Men: Days of Future Past Doomsday #1
X-23: Deadly Regenesis #5
Storm #3
New Mutants: Lethal Legion #5
Rogue & Gambit #5
X-Force #42
Wolverine #35
Before the Fall: The Sinister Four #1
X-Men Red #13
X-Men #24
Immortal X-Men #13                                                                          
X-Men: Hellfire Gala 2023 #1
Invincible Iron Man #8

Direct download: X-Nation_213.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 7:44pm EST

As the summer starts to heat up, so does the lead up to the Fall of X. Plus, we’ll celebrate 60 years of uncanny mutant madness.

Month in X - June 2023
The X-Cellent #4
X-23: Deadly Regenesis #4
Storm #2
Bishop: War College #5
New Mutants: Lethal Legion #4
Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #5
Rogue & Gambit #4
Wolverine #34
X-Force #41
X-Men Red #12
X-Men #23
Immortal X-Men #12
X-Men: Before the Fall - Mutant First Strike #1
X-Men: Before the Fall - The Heralds of Apocalypse #1

Direct download: X-Nation_212.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 3:08pm EST

We start our trek towards the Fall of X as we discuss the X-Men comic books that came out during the Month in X for May 2023.

Month in X - May 2023
The X-Cellent #3
X-23: Deadly Regenesis #3
Storm #1
Bishop: War College #4
New Mutants: Lethal Legion #3
Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #4
Rogue & Gambit #3
Wolverine #33
X-Force #40
Sons of X #1
X-Men #22
Immortal X-Men #11
X-Men Red #11

Direct download: X-Nation_211.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 12:56pm EST

We’re almost back on schedule and just in time for the conclusion of Sins of Sinister. We’ll also discuss the rest of the X-Men comics that came out during the Month in X for April 2023.

Month in X - April 2023
X-Cellent #2
X-Treme X-Men #5
X-23: Deadly Genesis #2
Bishop: War College #3
New Mutants: Lethal Legion #2
Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #3
Rogue & Gambit #2
Wolverine #32
X-Force #39
X-Men #21
Immoral X-Men #3
Storm & the Brotherhood of Mutants #3
Nightcrawlers #3
Sins of Sinister: Dominion #1

Direct download: X-Nation_210.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 1:22pm EST

We’re back after another busy few weeks and it looks like Marvel can’t stop cranking out new X-Men limited series. Plus, Sins of Sinister advances further and more are discussed in the Month in X for March 2023.

Month in X - March 2023
X-Cellents #1
X-Treme X-Men #4
X-23: Deadly Regenesis #1
Bishop: War College #2
Sabretooth & the Exiles #5
New Mutants: Lethal Legion #1
Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #2
Rogue & Gambit #1
X-Force #38
Wolverine #31
Marauders #12
X-Men #20
Nightcrawlers #2
Immoral X-Men #2
Storm & the Brotherhood of Mutants #2

Direct download: X-Nation_209.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 1:36pm EST

Crazy schedules have forced us to delay, but it’s better late than never. We’ll discuss what happened during the first month of the Sins of Sinister, plus all the other X-Men titles that came out during the Month in X review for February 2023.

Month in X - February 2023
Dark Web Finale #1
X-Treme X-Men #3
X-Men Legends #6
Bishop: War College #1
Sabretooth & the Exiles #4
Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #1
X-Force #37
Wolverine #30
Marauders #11
X-Men #19
Legion of X #10
Storm & the Brotherhood of Mutants #1
Nightcrawlers #1
Immoral X-Men #1

Direct download: X-Nation_208.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 12:19pm EST

It’s a new dawn, a new day, and a new year on Krakoa. We kick off 2023 with a look at the Month in X for January, including the start of the next big X-Men crossover - Sins of Sinister.

Month in X - January 2023
X-Men Legends #5
Sabretooth & the Exiles #3
X-Terminators #5
Wolverine #29
X-Force #36
Marauders #10
Dark Web: X-Men #3
X-Men #10
Legion of X #9
X-Men Red #10
Immortal X-Men #10
Sins of Sinister #1

Direct download: X-Nation_207.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 3:08pm EST

Another Year in X comes to a close. We say good-bye to 2022 with our look at the Month in X for December.

Month in X - December 2022
X-Treme X-Men #1 & 2
Sabretooth & the Exiles #2
X-Terminators #4
Wolverine #28
X-Force #35
New Mutants #32 & 33
Marauders #9
Legion of X #8
X-Men Red #9
Immortal X-Men #9
X-Men Annual #1
Dark Web #1
Dark Web: X-Men #1 & 2

Direct download: X-Nation_206.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 5:30pm EST

The X-Men are currently in a peaceful lull between crossover events. We’ll take a look at the post-Judgment Day Krakoa in the Month of X for November 2022.

Month in X - November 2022
X-Men Legends #4
Gambit #5
Sabretooth & the Exiles #1
X-Terminators #3
Marauders #8
Wolverine #27
X-Force #34
Legion of X #7
X-Men Red #8
Immortal X-Men #8
X-Men #17

Direct download: X-Nation_205.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 1:18pm EST

The final judgment is here! We’ll discuss the final month of issues tied to the Judgment Day event.- We’ll also look at the rest of the X-Men books that came out during the Month in X for October 2022.

Month in X - October 2022
X-Men Legends #3
Gambit #4
X-Terminators #2
New Mutants #31
Marauders #7
X-Men #16
Wolverine #25 & 26
X-Force #32 & 33
AXE: Death to the Mutants #3
X-Men Red #7
Legion of X #6
Immortal X-Men #7
AXE: X-Men #1
AXE: Judgment Day #6

Direct download: X-Nation_204.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 1:18pm EST

In this installment of X-Nation we continue our discussions of the Judgment Day crossover. We’ll also look at the rest of the X-Men books that came out during the Month in X for September 2022.

Month in X - September 2022
X-Men Legends #2
Gambit #3
X-Terminators #1
New Mutants #29 & 30
Legion of X #5
Wolverine #24
Immortal X-Men #6
A.X.E. Death to the Mutants #2
Marauders #6
A.X.E. Judgment Day #4
X-Men Red #6
A.X.E. Judgment Day #5
X-Men #15

Direct download: X-Nation_203.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 12:57pm EST

Judgment Day continues to roll on. We’ll discuss the various crossover issues and apply our own thumbs up or thumbs down to the proceedings. We’ll also look at the rest of the X-Men books that came out during the Month in X for August 2022.

Month in X - August 2022
X-Men Legends #1
Wolverine: Patch #5
Gambit #2
Legion of X #4
New Mutants #24
Marauders #5
Knights of X #5
Immortal X-Men #5
X-Men Red #5
A.X.E. Judgment Day #2
A.X.E. Death to the Mutants #1
X-Force #30
X-Force #31
X-Men #13
A.X.E. Judgment Day #3
X-Men #14

Direct download: X-Nation_202.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 1:25pm EST

Put on your best face, ‘cause it’s Hellfire Gala time. We dish on who did what at this year’s premiere mutant party. We’ll also discuss the explosive beginning of the Judgment Day crossover, as well as the rest of the Month in X for July 2022.

Month in X - July 2022
Wolverine: Patch #4
Gambit #1
The X-Cellent #5
Sabretooth #5
Wolverine #23
Legion of X #3
Marauders #4
Knights of X #4
New Mutants #27
X-Men: Hellfire Gala #1
Immortal X-Men #4
Eve of Judgment #1
Judgment Day #1

Direct download: X-Nation_201.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 2:38pm EST

It’s taken us 14 years to get to this point, but we’ve finally reached the 200th episode of X-Nation! In this episode we’ll pause to celebrate the achievement, but then it’s back to business as usual, as we discuss the Month in X for June 2022.

Month in X - June 2022
The X-Cellent #4
Wolverine: Patch #3
Sabretooth #4
Wolverine #22
X-Force #29
Marauders #3
Legion of X #2
Knights of X #2
Knights of X #3
New Mutants #26
X-Men Red #3
X-Men Red #4
Immortal X-Men #3
X-Men #12

Direct download: X-Nation_200.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 3:17pm EST

In the 199th episode of X-Nation, Antony and Paul are very pleased to have a few more books to discuss for the Month in X for May 2022. There are the Destiny of X debut of Legion of X and a kick-off to a new arc for New Mutants. Plus, Thunderbird is back in the spotlight after nearly a half-century absence from continuity.

Month in X - May 2022
The X-Cellent #3
Giant-Size X-Men: Thunderbird #1
Wolverine: Patch #2
Wolverine #21
X-Force #28
Marauders #2
New Mutants #25
Legion of X #1
X-Men Red #2
Immortal X-Men #2
X-Men #11

Direct download: X-Nation_199.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 2:56pm EST

We’re finally back to talk about the Book of Boba Fett series from Disney+ (there will be spoilers). Also, we have a first-hand look at the Star Wars theme park, Galaxy’s Edge. Plus, we look to the upcoming slate of Star Wars television projects debuting later in the year.
Direct download: Cultural_Wormhole_055.mp3
Category:Cultural Wormhole -- posted at: 2:04pm EST

It appears that those pesky shipping delays are at it again. We only have eight issues to discuss in the Month in X for April 2022. Three of those books are the first issues of X-Men Red, Knights of X, and relaunch of Marauders.

Month in X - April 2022
Sabretooth #3
X-Force Annual #1
X-Force #27
Wolverine #20
Marauders #1
Knights of X #1
X-Men Red #1
X-Men #10

Direct download: X-Nation_198.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 1:28pm EST

In this episode of X-Nation, we review the conclusion of the X Lives and Deaths of Wolverine. Plus, we witness the start of Destiny of X with the launch of Immortal X-Men.

Month in X - March 2022
X-Men Legends #12
Wolverine: Patch #1
The X-Cellent #2
Sabretooth #2
Devil’s Reign: X-Men #2 & 3
X-Men #9
X Lives of Wolverine #4
X Deaths of Wolverine #4
X Lives of Wolverine #5
X Deaths of Wolverine #5
Immortal X-Men #1

Direct download: X-Nation_197.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 1:16pm EST

In this episode of X-Nation, Antony and Paul continue to discuss the X Lives and X Deaths of Wolverine. They also review all of the other X-Men comics that came out during the Month in X for February 2022. Plus, the X-Buzz is full of a wide range of topics from that Doctor Strange trailer, X-Men in Fortnite, and the current state of Comixology.

Month in X - February 2022
X-Men Legends #11
The X-Cellent #1
Sabretooth #1
Secret X-Men #1
New Mutants #24
X-Men #8
X Lives of Wolverine #2
X Lives of Wolverine #3
X Deaths of Wolverine #2
X Deaths of Wolverine #3

Direct download: X-Nation_196.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 3:05pm EST

We’re in that strange, sweet spot post-Inferno between the end of Reign of X and the start of Destiny of X. Still the Month in X for January 2022 gives Antony and Paul plenty to discuss. Also, they guys discuss the latest X-Men news in the X-Buzz.

Month in X - January 2022
Inferno #4
X-Men Legends #10
Marauders #27
Marauders Annual #1
X-Men #6 & 7
Devil’s Reign: X-Men #1
X Lives of Wolverine #1
X Deaths of Wolverine #1

Direct download: X-Nation_195.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 3:55pm EST

Antony and Paul close out 2021 with a look back at the Year in X, plus the Month in X for December 2021 (we also HAD to sneak in Inferno #4). Also, they look to the future as the Destiny of X announcements with a number of renamed relaunches and at least one new title.

Month in X - December 2021
Demon Days: Rising Storm #1
X-Men Legends #9
New Mutants #23
Marauders #26
X-Force #26
Wolverine #19 (LGY 361)
Hellions #18
Excalibur #26
S.W.O.R.D. #11
X-Men: The Trial of Magneto #4 & 5
Inferno #3 & 4

Direct download: X-Nation_194.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 1:07pm EST

In this episode of the Cultural Wormhole Podcast, the War of the Bounty Hunters crossover rages on and David and Paul discuss the recent issues. Oh, there are issues... Stop trying to make Ochi of Bestoon and Deathstick happen!

Star Wars Comics
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #3
Star Wars #16
Darth Vader #15
Doctor Aphra #13
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #4
Doctor Aphra #14
Darth Vader #16
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters - Boush #1
Bounty Hunters #16
Star Wars #17
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #5
Darth Vader #17
Doctor Aphra #15
Bounty Hunters #17
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters - IG-88 #1
Star Wars #18

Direct download: Cultural_Wormhole_054.mp3
Category:Cultural Wormhole -- posted at: 1:16pm EST

Where are all the books? Due to shipping delays we have a more abbreviated Month in X than usual. Also, Antony and Paul look reflect on what they are thankful for when it comes to the X-Men.

Month in X - November 2021
X-Men Legends #8 
Excalibur #25
Hellions #17
X-Force #25
S.W.O.R.D. #10
Wolverine #18 (LGY #360)
X-Men #5

Direct download: X-Nation_193.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 3:46pm EST

It's all killer and no filler in the Month in X for October 2021 since the X-Men titles have been narrowed down a bit. Antony and Paul have eight ongoing and two mini-series to discuss. Plus, major changes are afoot as the guys scour the January solicitations for clues of things to come on Krakoa.

Month in X - October 2021
Excalibur #24
Hellions #16
New Mutants #22
X-Men #4
X-Force #24
Wolverine #17 (LGY #359)
S.W.O.R.D. #9
Marauders #25
X-Men: The Trial of Magneto #3
Inferno #2

Direct download: X-Nation_192.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 1:17pm EST

It’s the Month in X for September 2021 and we are here to BURN IT ALL DOWN!!! In this episode of X-Nation dive into the nightmare that is Inferno, plus we continue our discussion of the Trial of Magneto. Also, more final issues (for now) as two more series wrap up prematurely.

Month in X - September 2021
Demon Days - Cursed Web #1
X-Men Legends #7
Hellions #15
New Mutants #21
Excalibur #23
X-Force #23
Marauders #24
X-Men: The Onslaught Revelation #1
X-Corp #5
Wolverine #16 (LGY #358)
S.W.O.R.D. #8
X-Men #3
X-Men: The Trial of Magneto #2
Inferno #1

Direct download: X-Nation_191.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 10:28am EST

In this episode of X-Nation, Antony and Paul play detective and dive into the murder mystery that it the Trial of Magneto. Plus, they discuss latest X-Buzz and the other X-Men comics in the Month of X for August 2021.

Month in X - August 2021
X-Men Legend #6
Hellions #14
X-Men #2
Children of the Atom #6
X-Force #22
Marauders #23
Way of X #5
X-Corp #4
Cable: Reloaded #1
Wolverine #15
X-Men: The Trial of Magneto #1

Direct download: X-Nation_190.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 1:39pm EST

In this episode of the Cultural Wormhole Podcast, the War of the Bounty Hunters Star Wars crossover is in full swing and we’ll discuss the recent issues.

Star Wars Comics
Star Wars: The High Republic #6 - 7
Star Wars #14
Darth Vader #13
Doctor Aphra #11
Bounty Hunters #14
Doctor Aphra #12
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #2
Darth Vader #14
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters - Jabba the Hutt #1
Star Wars #15
Bounty Hunters #15
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters - 4-Lom & Zuckuss #1

Direct download: Cultural_Wormhole_053.mp3
Category:Cultural Wormhole -- posted at: 11:58am EST

Time to bust out the lace! After 13 years, X-Nation is still going strong! Even in the post-Hellfire Gala after-glow, Paul and Antony still have the stamina to look through the Month in X for July 2021.

Month in X - July 2021
X-Men #1
X-Men Legends #5
Children of the Atom #5
Hellions #13
X-Force #21
Way of X #4
Excalibur #22
X-Corp #3
New Mutants #20
Marauders #22
Wolverine #14 (LGY #356)
S.W.O.R.D. #7
Cable #12

Direct download: X-Nation_189.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 12:37pm EST

The Hellfire Gala is here and it’s time to party. In this episode we’ll discuss all the gossip of the X-Men mini crossover event. Let the fallout fan theories begin! Plus, we review the rest of the Month in X for June 2021. And just because we couldn't wait until the end of July, we take a look at the all-new X-Men #1.

Month in X - June 2021
Demon Days: Mariko #1
X-Men Legends #4
Children of the Atom #4
Marvel Voices: Pride #1
Marauders #21
X-Force #20
Hellions #12
X-Men #21
Excalibur #21
Planet-Size X-Men #1
New Mutants #19
X-Corp #2
Wolverine #13 (LGY #355)
S.W.O.R.D. #6
Way of X #3
X-Factor #10
Cable #11
Sneak Peek July Review: X-Men #1

Direct download: X-Nation_188.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 12:46pm EST

In this episode of the Cultural Wormhole Podcast, David and Paul catch up on the most recent Star Wars comic books, including the new War of the Bounty Hunters crossover.

Star Wars Comics
Star Wars: The High Republic #3 - 5
Star Wars #12
Darth Vader #11
Doctor Aphra #8 - 9
Bounty Hunters #10 - 11
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters Alpha #1
Star Wars #13
Bounty Hunters #12
Darth Vader #12
Doctor Aphra #10
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #1
Bounty Hunters #13

Direct download: Cultural_Wormhole_052.mp3
Category:Cultural Wormhole -- posted at: 1:12pm EST

In this episode of X-Nation Antony and Paul discuss the news of what’s to coming following the Hellfire Gala in the X-Buzz. Plus, we review the Month in X for May 2021 including the launch of the new ongoing series, X-Corp.

Month in X - May 2021
Marauders #20
Hellions #11
Children of the Atom #3
X-Corp #1
X-Factor #9
Way of X #2
Wolverine #12 (LGY #354)
New Mutants #18
X-Men #20

Direct download: X-Nation_187.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 11:14am EST

In this episode of X-Nation Antony and Paul discuss more fashion statements from the upcoming Hellfire Gala and the news of the new official X-Men team reveal. Also, they discuss the Month in X for April 2021 which includes the launch of another new title: Way of X.

Month in X - April 2021
X-Men Legends #3
Marauders #19
Excalibur #20
Children of the Atom #2
Wolverine #11 (LGY #353)
X-Force #19
S.W.O.R.D. #5
New Mutants #17
Cable #10
Way of X #1

Direct download: X-Nation186.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 1:04pm EST

In this episode of X-Nation, Antony and Paul take to the runway to discuss the Hellfire Gala designs in the X-Buzz and they take a look at the X-Men books for March 2021. Plus, we review the final episode of WandaVision.

Month in X - March 2021
X-Men Legends #2
Demon Days: X-Men #1
Wolverine: Black, White, & Blood #4
Children of the Atom #1
Hellions #10
X-Factor #8
X-Force #18
S.W.O.R.D. #4
Cable #9
Excalibur #19
X-Men #19

Direct download: X-Nation185.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 1:03pm EST

In X-Nation 184 Antony and Paul take another trip to Krakoa for a look at the X-Men books from February 2021. Plus, they continue their watch of WandaVision.

Month in X - February 2021
Wolverine: Black, White, & Blood #3
X-Men Legends #1X-Factor #7
Hellions #9
King in Black: Marauders #1
Excalibur #18
S.W.O.R.D. #3
Cable #8
X-Force #17
Marauders #18
Wolverine #10 (LGY #352)
New Mutants #16
X-Men #18

Direct download: X-Nation184.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 12:16pm EST

In this episode of the Cultural Wormhole Podcast, David and Paul experience the High Republic and review the most recent Star Wars comic books published by Marvel Comics. Also, David gives us his thoughts on the first High Republic novel. Spoilers ahead!

Recent Star Wars Comics
Star Wars: The High Republic #1 - 2
Bounty Hunters #8 - 9
Doctor Aphra #6 - 7
Darth Vader #8 - 10
Star Wars #9 - 11

Direct download: CulturalWormhole051.mp3
Category:Cultural Wormhole -- posted at: 12:43pm EST

The Reign of X continues to unfold as the X-Men books deal with the fallout from X of Swords in the Month in X for January 2021. Plus, Antony and Paul dive into a whole slew of X-Buzz and take a look at the Great Pretender's new Disney+ show: WandaVision.

Month in X - January 2021
Chris Claremont Anniversary Special #1
Juggernaut #5
Hellions #8
X-Factor #6
Marauders #17
S.W.O.R.D. #2
Cable #7
X-Force #16
Wolverine #9 (LGY #351)
New Mutants #15
Excalibur #17
X-Men #17

Direct download: X-Nation183.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 2:06pm EST

In this episode of X-Nation, Antony and Paul take a look back at the Month in X for December 2020, as well as discuss the Year in X. The guys pick their top ongoing X-Men series of the year, plus they conduct their own Krakoan election of the X-Men.

Month in X - December 2020
Wolverine: Black, White & Blood #2
Juggernaut #4
X-Factor #5
Hellions #7
Marauders #6
S.W.O.R.D. #1
New Mutants #14
X-Force #15
Excalibur #16
Wolverine #8
X-Men #16

Direct download: X-Nation182.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 3:16pm EST

In this episode of the Cultural Wormhole Podcast, we venture back out the a galaxy far, far away to discuss the final four episodes of the Mandalorian season 2. Plus, we get into the Wampa-sized slate of new Star Wars television and film projects that were recently announced at the Disney Investor's Day.

Mandalorian Season 2 (last half)

Spoilers for Episodes 5 - 8

Direct download: CulturalWormhole050.mp3
Category:Cultural Wormhole -- posted at: 5:40pm EST

The X of Swords comes roaring to its conclusion in the Month of X for November 2020. How does this event situate our Merry Mutants going into 2021? We'll discuss it on this episode of X-Nation.

Month in X - November 2020
Wolverine: Black, White & Blood #1
Juggernaut #3
X-Men #14
Marauders #14
Marauders #15
Excalibur #14
Wolverine #7
X-Force #14
Hellions #6
Cable #6
X-Men #15
Excalibur #15
X of Swords: Destruction #1

Direct download: X-Nation181.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 4:38pm EST

In this episode of the Cultural Wormhole Podcast, we head out to the Outer Rim for a look at what has happened so far on the second season of the Mandalorian. There will be spoilers. Plus, we catch up on the most recent Star Wars comic books published by Marvel Comics. Also, we ask the question, "Has Star Wars become a bit too self-referential?"

Mandalorian Season 2 (so far)
Spoilers for Episodes 1 - 4

Recent Star Wars Comics
Bounty Hunters #5 - 7
Doctor Aphra #4 - 5
Darth Vader #6 - 7
Star Wars #7 - 8

Direct download: CulturalWormhole049.mp3
Category:Cultural Wormhole -- posted at: 5:08pm EST

It's fetch-quest time as Antony and Paul dive into the first full month of the X of Swords crossover event.

Month in X - October 2020
Juggernaut #2
Wolverine #6
X-Force #13
Marauders #13
Hellions #5
New Mutants #13
Cable #5
Excalibur #13
X-Men #13
X of Swords: Stasis #1

Direct download: X-Nation180.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 3:51pm EST

We draw the X of Swords for the Month in X for September 2020. We'll discuss the first two chapters of the latest X-Men crossover, including the issues that led up the mega-event.

Month in X - September 2020
Juggernaut #1
Wolverine #5
Hellions #4
New Mutants #12
X-Factor #3
Giant-Size X-Men: Storm #1
Marauders #12
Cable #4
X-Force #12
Excalibur #12
X-Men #12
X of Swords: Creation #1
X-Factor #4

Direct download: X-Nation179.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 3:47pm EST

In this episode of the Cultural Wormhole Podcast, David and Paul finally get back into reviewing the Star Wars comic books published by Marvel Comics.

Recent Star Wars Comics
Bounty Hunters #3 - 4
Doctor Aphra #1 - 3
Darth Vader #3 - 5
Star Wars #5 - 6

Direct download: CulturalWormhole048.mp3
Category:Cultural Wormhole -- posted at: 8:57pm EST

The X-Men wrap up their Empyre crossover and start heading down the Path to X of Swords. Paul and Antony have another packed Month of X to discuss - this time for August 2020. Plus, Antony braves the theaters and gives us a spoiler-free review of the New Mutants film. Also, the guys start the episode with a remembrance of our king, Chadwick Boseman.

Month in X - August 2020
iWolverine 2020 #2
Wolverine #4
X-Force #11
Hellions #3
Cable #3
Marauders #11
Excalibur #11
X-Factor #2
Giant-Size X-Men: Fantomex #1
Empyre: X-Men #2 - 4
X-Men #11

Direct download: X-Nation178.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 4:12pm EST

Comics! We have comics to talk about in our first proper Month in X since the global pandemic interrupted our lives. Plus, we wrap up our review of the first and only season of Wolverine and the X-Men.

Month in X - July 2020
Free Comic Book Day 2020 (X-Men/Dark Ages) #1
iWolverine 2020 #1
Wolverine #3
X-Force #10
Hellions #2
X-Men & Fantastic Four #4
New Mutants #11
Giant-Size X-Men: Magneto
Cable #2
X-Factor #1
Empyre: X-Men #1
X-Men #10

Wolverine and the X-Men (Animated Series)
Aces and Eights
Shades of Grey
Foresight (Part 1)
Foresight (Part 2)
Foresight (Part 3)

Direct download: X-Nation177.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 5:17pm EST

20 years ago this week the X-Men feature film debuted and kicked off the 21st century era of superhero movies. We've rewatched the film and we'll discuss our feelings when it premiered and if they hold up now. Plus, we'll dive into another seven episodes of the Wolverine and the X-Men animated series. Also, we celebrate 12 years of X-Nation!

X-Men - 20th Anniversary Review

Wolverine and the X-Men (Animated Series)
Battle Lines
Stolen Lives
Hunting Grounds
Code of Conduct
Guardian Angel

Direct download: X-Nation176.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 2:52pm EST

We were graced with a total of TWO issues this in the Month of X for June 2020, but it looks like things will be picking back up soon. We'll also discuss the newly announced release schedule for the X of Swords crossover event. Plus, we'll dive into another six episodes of the Wolverine and the X-Men animated series.

Month in X - June 2020
Excalibur #10
New Mutants #10

Wolverine and the X-Men (Animated Series)
Wolverine vs. the Hulk
Time Bomb
Future X
Greetings from Genosha
Past Discretions
eXcessive Force

Direct download: X-Nation175.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 3:42pm EST

Prepare yourselves for the briefest Month in X X-Nation has ever experienced as Paul and Antony take a look at the one lonely X-Men book to come out in May 2020. But all's not lost, they also take the time to discuss the Wolverine and the X-Men animated series that debuted in 2009, but is now available on Disney+.

Month in X - May 2020
Marauders #10

Wolverine and the X-Men (Animated Series)
Hindsight (Part 1)
Hindsight (Part 2)
Hindsight (Part 3)
Thieves' Gambit

Direct download: X-Nation174.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 3:59pm EST

In this episode of the Cultural Wormhole Podcast, David and Paul discuss some recent Star Wars buzz ane the Age of Resistance issues that came out a few months back.

Age of Resistance
Star Wars: Age of Resistance - Finn #1
Star Wars: Age of Resistance - Captain Phasma #1
Star Wars: Age of Resistance Special #1
Star Wars: Age of Resistance - General Hux #1
Star Wars: Age of Resistance - Poe Dameron #1
Star Wars: Age of Resistance - Supreme Leader Snoke #1
Star Wars: Age of Resistance - Rey #1
Star Wars: Age of Resistance - Rose Tico #1
Star Wars: Age of Resistance - Kylo Ren #1

Direct download: CulturalWormhole047.mp3
Category:Cultural Wormhole -- posted at: 4:47pm EST

While the comic industry in currently on pause, Antony and Paul take a look at two classic run of X-Men issues that have special places in their individual hearts. 

The Quest for Magik

New X-Men #37 - 41

All-New, All-Different Era Ends

Uncanny X-Men #205 - 210 

Direct download: X-Nation173.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 2:59pm EST

In this episode of the Cultural Wormhole Podcast, David and Paul hunker down in Echo Base as they catch up with the latest Star Wars comics published by Marvel.

Direct download: CulturalWormhole046.mp3
Category:Cultural Wormhole -- posted at: 3:58pm EST

While waiting for those fancy Krakoan drugs to help them deal with the current pandemic, Antony and Paul practice their social distancing while they discuss the Month in X for March 2020.

Month in X - March 2020
Cable #1
Hellions #1
Marauders #9
Excalibur #8 & 9
New Mutants #9
X-Force #9
Wolverine #2
X-Men & Fantastic Four #3
X-Men #8 & 9
Giant-Size X-Men: Nightcrawler #1

Direct download: X-Nation172.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 7:19pm EST

Emotions run high on and around Krakoa for the Month in X for February 2020. Plus, Antony and Paul go into the X-Buzz with X-Men tie-ins to Empyre and the next big X-Men crossover event that was announced at C2E2 this week: X of Swords!

Month in X - February 2020
Marauders #7 - 8
Excalibur #7
New Mutants #7 - 8
X-Force #7 - 8
Wolverine #1
X-Men & Fantastic Four #1 - 2
X-Men #6 - 7
Giant-Size X-Men: Jean Grey and Emma Frost #1

Direct download: X-Nation171.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 3:10pm EST

In this episode of the Cultural Wormhole Podcast, David and Paul battle giant space crabs as they take a look at the multiple Star Wars: Age of Rebellion comics that came out last year.

Comics of the Rebellion
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Grand Moff Tarkin #1
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Princess Liea #1
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Special #1
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Han Solo #1
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Boba Fett #1
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Lando Calrissian #1
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Jabba the Hutt #1
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Luke Skywalker #1
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Darth Vader #1

Direct download: CulturalWormhole045.mp3
Category:Cultural Wormhole -- posted at: 2:26pm EST

It's a new year and a new dawn for the X-Men! In this episode of X-Nation, Antony and Paul take a look at all things happening on and around Krakoa for the Month in X for January 2020. Plus, in the X-Buzz they've got the latest on the ever-growing list of new X-Men series hitting the stands in the coming months.

Month in X - January 2020
Marauders #5 - 6
Excalibur #5 - 6
New Mutants #5 - 6
X-Force #5 - 6
Fallen Angels #5 - 6
X-Men #4 - 5

Direct download: X-Nation170.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 5:50pm EST

In this episode of the Cultural Wormhole Podcast, David and Paul Force-Skype to discuss the remaining episodes of the first season of the Mandalorian. Also, the guys look at the recent Star Wars comics published by Marvel as they move into a new (sort of) period of the Original Trilogy Saga.

This is the Way
Rise of Kylo Ren #1 - 2
Star Wars: Target Vader #6
Doctor Aphra #39 - 40
Star Wars: Empire Ascendant #1
Star Wars #1

Direct download: CulturalWormhole044.mp3
Category:Cultural Wormhole -- posted at: 4:33pm EST

The Dawn of X continues on! Antony and Paul take a look at all things happening on and around Krakoa for the Month in X for December 2019. There's a discussion of the new X-Men books announced for March. Plus, they take a brief detour into looking back at the Year in X for 2019, as well as the Decade in X.

Month in X - December 2019
X-Men #3
Marauders #3 - 4
Excalibur #3 - 4
New Mutants #3 - 4
X-Force #3 - 4
Fallen Angels #3 - 4

Direct download: X-Nation169.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 5:42pm EST

It finally happened... the end of the Skywalker Saga. In this episode David and Paul take a deep dive and discuss the latest Star Wars film - The Rise of Skywalker. There will be plenty of spoilers. Buckle up... this is gonna be long, intense ride.

Direct download: CulturalWormhole043.mp3
Category:Cultural Wormhole -- posted at: 4:36pm EST

The Dawn of X is here! In this episodes of X-Nation, Antony and Paul discuss the newest happenings on Krakoa with a look at all of the new X-Men titles that came out in October and November.

Month(s) in X - October/November 2019
Old Man Logan #12
X-Men #1
Marauders #1
Excalibur #1
New Mutants #1
X-Force #1
Fallen Angels #1
X-Men #2
Marauders #2
Excalibur #2
New Mutants #2
X-Force #2
Fallen Angels #2

Direct download: X-Nation168.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 7:53pm EST

In this episode of the Cultural Wormhole Podcast, David and Paul discuss the first three episodes of the Mandalorian - the new Star Wars television series on Disney+. Also, they look at the recent Star Wars comics published by Marvel.

Recent Star Wars Comics
Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - Allegiance #4
Star Wars: Target Vader #5
Doctor Aphra #38
Doctor Aphra Annual #3
Star Wars #74 - 75

Direct download: CulturalWormhole042.mp3
Category:Cultural Wormhole -- posted at: 5:42pm EST

In this episode of the Cultural Wormhole Podcast, the Rise of Skywalker anticipation continues as David and Paul take another look at the past few months of Star Wars comics published by Marvel.

Recent Star Wars Comics
Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge #4 - 5
Star Wars: Target Vader #2 - 4
Doctor Aphra #35 - 37
Star Wars #68 - 73
Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - Allegiance #1 - 3

Direct download: CulturalWormhole041.mp3
Category:Cultural Wormhole -- posted at: 3:56pm EST

Antony and Paul are coming to you a couple weeks into October so they can give you a full report on the completed HoX/PoX event. Plus, they've got the report on a few other X-Men comics that came out in the Month in X for September 2019.

Month in X - September 2019
Dead Man Logan #11
Wolverine Annual #1
New Mutants: War Children #1
House of X/Powers of X Review
Powers of X #4
House of X #5
Powers of X #5
House of X #6
Powers of X #6

Direct download: X-Nation167.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 3:25pm EST

David and Paul take a look back at the multiple Star Wars: Age of Republic comics that came out earlier this year. Plus, they have an impromptu "Hello There" showdown.

Comics of the Republic
Star Wars: Age of Republic - Qui-Gon Jinn #1
Star Wars: Age of Republic - Darth Maul #1
Star Wars: Age of Republic - Obi-Wan Kenobi #1
Star Wars: Age of Republic - Jango Fett #1
Star Wars: Age of Republic - Special #1
Star Wars: Age of Republic - Anakin Skywalker #1
Star Wars: Age of Republic - Count Dooku #1
Star Wars: Age of Republic - Padme Amidala #1
Star Wars: Age of Republic - General Grievous #1

Direct download: CulturalWormhole040.mp3
Category:Cultural Wormhole -- posted at: 3:45pm EST

What the X-Men comic books currently lack in quantity, they are certainly making up in quality. This episode starts out with a quick visit with Major X and Dead Man Logan, but then it dives into all things House of X/Powers of X in the Month in X for August 2019. And because Antony and Paul are impatient, they also discuss House of X #4, which came out the first week of September.

Month in X - August 2019
Major X #0
Dead Man Logan #10
House of X #2
Powers of X #2
Powers of X #3
House of X #3
September Preview - House of X #4

Direct download: X-Nation166.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 4:09pm EST

Antony and Paul have SO much to discuss in X-Nation 165. Not only do they talk about the end of the Age of X-Man and a very controversial run on Uncanny X-Men, but they also have a whole new mutant reboot on hand! The guys talk about the launch of House of X and Powers of X, as well as a look at the newly announced Dawn of X ongoing series premiering in the fall. Hold onto your chromosomes... it's gonna be a big episode!

Month in X - July 2019
Dead Man Logan #9
Domino: Hotshots #5
X-Force #10 (LGY #240)
Giant-Size X-Statix #1
Wolverine & Captain America: Weapon Plus #1
Age of X-Man: Prisoner X #5
Age of X-Man: Apocalypse and the X-Tracts #5
Age of X-Man Omega #1
Uncanny X-Men #21 & 22 (LGY #643 & 644)
House of X #1
Powers of X #1

Direct download: X-Nation165.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 5:52pm EST

In this episode of the Cultural Wormhole Podcast, David and Paul say good-bye to the Kieron Gillen era of Star Wars comics published by Marvel.

Rise of the Comics
Star Wars #108 (Classic Series)
Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge #1 - 3
Star Wars: Target Vader #1
Doctor Aphra #30 - 34
Star Wars #62 - 67

Direct download: CulturalWormhole039.mp3
Category:Cultural Wormhole -- posted at: 4:36pm EST

In this episode of X-Nation, Antony and Paul say good-bye to Mr. & Mrs. X. Also, the Age of X-Man begins its wind-down and there's more death and despair in Uncanny X-Men. All this and more in the Month in X for June 2019.

Month in X - June 2019
X-Men: Grand Design - X-Tinction #2
Major X #5 & 6
X-Force #9 (LGY #239)
Domino: Hotshots #4
Dead Man Logan #8
Wolverine: Infinity Watch #5
Wolverine: Exit Wounds #1
Mr. & Mrs. X #12
Age of X-Man: Prisoner X #4
Age of X-Man: Apocalypse and the X-Tracts #4
Age of X-Man: Marvelous X-Men #5
Age of X-Man: Next Gen #5
Age of X-Man: The Amazing Nightcrawler #5
Age of X-Man: X-Tremists #5
War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men #3 (LGY #637)
Uncanny X-Men #19 & 20 (LGY #641 & 642)

Direct download: X-Nation164.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 1:31pm EST

It's time for another X-Men movie review! This time Antony and Paul take a look at Dark Phoenix which marks an end of an era. They discuss the highs and lows of the Fox X-Men Cinematic Universe's second attempt at adapting the most famous X-Story of all-time. Will there be spoilers? Most definitely! Plus, the fellas attempt to cast potential MCU versions of Wolverine, Xavier, and Magneto.

Direct download: X-Nation163.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 5:24pm EST

In this episode of X-Nation, the Age of X-Man heads towards a conclusion while the other x-books begin to move towards their own endings during the Month in X for May 2019. Plus, the misery continues in Uncanny X-Men.

Month in X - May 2019
X-Men: Grand Design - X-Tinction #1
Major X #3 & 4
X-Force #7 & 8 (LGY #237 & 238)
Domino: Hotshots #3
X-23 #12
Dead Man Logan #7
Wolverine: Infinity Watch #4
Mr. & Mrs. X #11
Age of X-Man: Prisoner X #3
Age of X-Man: Apocalypse and the X-Tracts #3
Age of X-Man: Marvelous X-Men #4
Age of X-Man: Next Gen #4
Age of X-Man: The Amazing Nightcrawler #4
Age of X-Man: X-Tremists #4
War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men #2 (LGY #636)
Uncanny X-Men #18 (LGY #640)

Direct download: X-Nation162.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 4:49pm EST

In this episode of X-Nation, Antony and Paul talk about the debut of Major X and continue their look at the Age of X-Man crossover. Meanwhile, a few other books appear to be on borrowed time. Also, Uncanny X-Men hits an all-new level of misery -- to an extreme that the guys also had to discuss the very controversial Uncanny X-Men #17, in addition to the books that came out in April 2019.

Month in X - April 2019
Major X #1 & 2
X-Force #6 (LGY #236)
Domino: Hotshots #2
X-23 #11
Dead Man Logan #6
Wolverine: Infinity Watch #3
Mr. & Mrs. X #10
Age of X-Man: Prisoner X #2
Age of X-Man: Apocalypse and the X-Tracts #2
Age of X-Man: Marvelous X-Men #3
Age of X-Man: Next Gen #3
Age of X-Man: The Amazing Nightcrawler #3
Age of X-Man: X-Tremists #3
Uncanny X-Men #15 (LGY #634)
War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men #1 (LGY #635)
Uncanny X-Men #16 (LGY #638)

Special Discussion
Uncanny X-Men #17 (LGY #639)

Direct download: X-Nation161.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 5:03pm EST

With Legion Quest and X-Men Alpha out of the way, Antony and Paul are in full dystopian mode as we dive headlong into the first month of the classic Age of Apocalypse.

Age of X-Nation - Month One
Astonishing X-Men #1
X-Man #1
Generation Next #1
Weapon X #1
Factor X #1
Amazing X-Men #1
X-Calibre #1
Gambit and the X-Ternals #1
X-Men Chronicles #1

Direct download: X-Nation160.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 12:41pm EST

In this special edition of the Cultural Wormhole Podcast, David and Paul spend 40+ minutes discussing a 2 minute and 15 second movie trailer. In other words, the guys breakdown the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker teaser that was released a few days ago. Be careful -- things may get a little emotional. (There will be spoilers for all previous Star Wars movies. You have been warned.)

Direct download: CulturalWormhole038.mp3
Category:Cultural Wormhole -- posted at: 5:02pm EST

In this episode of X-Nation, Antony and Paul continue our journey through the Age of X-Man. Plus, they have one more good-bye for Sina Grace's Iceman and dive deeper into the new Uncanny X-Men status quo. Oh, and there's that interesting new X-Buzz to discuss...

Month in X - March 2019
Uncanny X-Men: Winter's End #1
X-Force #4 & 5 (LGY #234 & 235)
Domino: Hotshots #1
Dead Man Logan #5
Wolverine: Infinity Watch #2
X-23 #10
Mr. & Mrs. X #9
Age of X-Man: Prisoner X #1
Age of X-Man: Apocalypse and the X-Tracts #1
Age of X-Man: Marvelous X-Men #2
Age of X-Man: Next Gen #2
Age of X-Man: The Amazing Nightcrawler #2
Age of X-Man: X-Tremists #2
Uncanny X-Men #13 & 14 (LGY #632 & 633)

Direct download: X-Nation159.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 8:06pm EST

In this episode of the Cultural Wormhole podcast, David and Paul catch up on the Star Wars comics published by Marvel. There's the early Imperial Cadet days of Han Solo, Doctor Aphra on the run, and a small band of rebels taking somewhat of a vacation for them to review. Plus a little Galaxy's Edge buzz!

Return of the Comics
Darth Vader #24 - 25
Han Solo: Imperial Cadet #1 - 5
Doctor Aphra #26 - 29
Star Wars #56 - 61

Direct download: CulturalWormhole037.mp3
Category:Cultural Wormhole -- posted at: 3:01pm EST

In this episode of X-Nation, it's full speed ahead for the Age of X-Man crossover. Meanwhile back in the good ol' 616, things get really, really depressing. Also, Antony and Paul take a look at the Month in X for February 2019.

Month in X - February 2019
Shatterstar #5
X-Force #3 (LGY #233)
Dead Man Logan #4
Return of Wolverine #5
Wolverine: Infinity Watch #1
X-23 #9
Mr. & Mrs. X #8
Uncanny X-Men #11 & 12 (LGY #630 & 631)
Age of X-Man: Marvelous X-Men #1
Age of X-Man: Next Gen #1
Age of X-Man: The Amazing Nightcrawler #1
Age of X-Man: X-Tremists #1

Direct download: X-Nation158.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 9:40pm EST

The X-Men can't help but get sucked into an alternate timeline every half-decade or so. Since they are currently experiencing the Age of X-Man, we at X-Nation thought it would be a fun idea to take an extensive look at the first time the X-Men dealt with such a major upheaval: the Age of Apocalypse. We kick things off with a small crossover that lead into the that event: Legion Quest.

Age of X-Nation - Legion Quest

X-Factor #109
Uncanny X-Men #320
X-Men #40
Uncanny X-Men #321
Cable #20
X-Men #41
X-Men: Alpha #1

Direct download: X-Nation157.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 5:38pm EST

In this episode of X-Nation, Paul and Antony kick off the new year by... killing all of the X-Men! Is this the price we have to pay for the return of Cyclops? Also, we take a look at the (sort of) cancellations of Domino and Iceman, the birth of the Age of X-Man, as well as the rest of the Month in X for January 2019.

Month in X - January 2019
Return of Wolverine #4
Dead Man Logan #3
Shatterstar #4
Domino #10
X-Force #2 (LGY #232)
Iceman #5
X-23 #8
Mr. & Mrs. X #7
Uncanny X-Men #8 - 10 (LGY #627 - 629)
Uncanny X-Men Annual #1
Age of X-Man Alpha #1

Direct download: X-Nation156.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 7:28pm EST

In this episode of X-Nation, it's all about the big good-bye. In the Month in X, Antony and Paul say "so long" to the time lost original X-Men in Extermination. They bid a fond farewell to Weapon X and shed a tear for what might have been with the passing of X-Men: Red. But, hey... there's a new X-Force.

Month in X - December 2018
The Merry X-Men Holiday Special #1
Extermination #5
X:Men: The Exterminated #1
Dead Man Logan #2
Weapon X #27 (LGY #55)
Shatterstar #3
Domino #9
X-Force #1 (LGY #231)
X-23 #7
Iceman #4
Mr. & Mrs. X #6
X-Men: Red #11
Uncanny X-Men #4 - 7 (LGY #623 - 626)

Direct download: X-Nation155.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 10:17pm EST

In this episode of X-Nation, Antony and Paul continue their look at the relaunch of Uncanny X-Men. There's a double-shot of Weapon X, Mr. & Mr. X causes tears, plus the rest of the books that came out in November 2018.

Month in X - November 2018
Shatterstar #2
Iceman #3
Return of Wolverine #3
Dead Man Logan #1
X-23 #6
Domino #8
Weapon X #25 - 26
Mr. & Mrs. X #5
Astonishing X-Men #17
X-Men: Red #10
Uncanny X-Men #2 - 3

Direct download: X-Nation154.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 5:03pm EST

In this episode of the Cultural Wormhole Podcast, David and Paul have a lot of catching up to do with the Star Wars comics published by Marvel. A lot...

The Backlog Strikes Back
Lando: Double or Nothing #1 - 5
Poe Dameron Annual #2
Poe Dameron #27 - 31
Doctor Aphra #19 - 25
Darth Vader #15 - 18
Darth Vader Annual #2
Darth Vader #19 - 23
Star Wars #45 - 49
Star Wars Annual #4
Star Wars #50 - 55

Direct download: CulturalWormhole036.mp3
Category:Cultural Wormhole -- posted at: 1:48pm EST

It's a very transitional Month in X for October 2018 and Antony and Paul have got the X-Men: Black one-shots, the end of Old Man Logan (sort of), and X-Termination to review. Plus, the new X-Men event coming in February and the legacy of Stan Lee are discussed in the X-Buzz. And just because they couldn't wait, the guys discuss Uncanny X-Men #1 at the end of the episode.

Month in X - October 2018
X-Men: Black - Magneto #1
X-Men: Black - Mojo #1
X-Men: Black - Mystique #1
X-Men: Black - Juggernaut #1
X-Men: Black - Emma Frost #1
Shatterstar #1
Iceman #2
Multiple Man #5
Return of Wolverine #2
Old Man Logan #49 - 50
Weapon X #24
Domino #7
X-23 #5
Mr. & Mrs. X #4
Astonishing X-Men #16
X-Men: Red #9
X-Termination #4
What If? EXE/Men #1
What If? Magik #1

Extra Review: Uncanny X-Men #1

Direct download: X-Nation153.mp3
Category:X-Nation -- posted at: 4:30pm EST